This section allow you to download Artica patchs in TGZ format.

Uploaded date From Release To Version Link Size
July Tuesday 15 11:51:25
1.8.070200 1.8.071511 1.8.070200_1.8.071511-18071511.tgz 6.7 MB
Fix error on refresh_pattern from the latest release.
Fix error on the interface when displaying Browsers rules.
Fix error Artica did not apply the correct gateway in Network
Fix Artica did not purge clamav log directory
Fix Artica did not purge NtopNG databases that eat the /home partition.
Fix proxy.pac auto-configurations subrules are not correctly applied in the Artica proxy.
Connections to proxy.pac auto-configurations are logged to syslog
Fix Artica did not purge NtopNG databases that eat the /home partition.
Add possibility to view rotate logs files stored on the local computer.
Add Wordpress managament and support
Fix crash on dedicated Zarafa Webmail service when using SSL.
Add possibility to fake, add, remove the X-Forwarded-For and the X-Real-IP in reverse proxy section.
Add possibility to remove caching destination Webserver in reverse proxy.
Fix Artica is unable to start/stop/reload Proxy service from latest nightly build.
Add possibility to specify the global Proxy caching behavior with a scroolbar
Fix confuse replacement patterns in reverse proxy.
Fix "no privileges" when navigate trough DNS section (if the Proxy is not installed)
Fix sometimes artica is unable to write data to the LDAP server.
Fix smtpd_client_restrictions is not set properly in order to fight SPAM
Fix Artica is not able to display favicon and Web page title since last release.
Fix Websites directory sizes are not executed periodically.
Fix confuse replacement patterns in reverse proxy.
Fix "no privileges" when navigate trough DNS section (if the Proxy is not installed)
July Monday 14 13:06:03
1.8.061522 1.8.062702 1.8.061522_1.8.062702-18062702.tgz 6.2 MB
Add a popup when modify Zarafa attachments path to restart the Zarafa server daemon.
Fix generating WPAD scripts consume server performance.
Fix unable to define correctly the language in Zarafa server.
Fix many bugs according milter-greylist configuration.
Fix Web filtering crash when adding duplicate rules names ( Artica will take care of duplicate rulename)
Fix when compiling Webfilter rules, the Web filter daemon is not reloaded.
Fix unable to install videocache software trough Artica.
Fix unable to authenticate members trough SMTP when using Postfix.
Fix unable to start SARG service.
Fix some statistics tables are not correctly generated for the proxy.
Adding a 15mn cache for the Artica Active Directory helper when caclulating Active Directory groups for a connected member.
July Monday 14 13:06:02
1.8.061522 1.8.062119 1.8.061522_1.8.062119-18062119.tgz 5.8 MB
Add an automatic statistics task when affect an uid to a MAC on proxy statistics
Add VSFTpd support
Fix wrong labels in graph by user and by day.
Limit some queries when parsing not categorized websites in global time.
Add more details in the progressbar during stastics execution.
Refresh design for SSHD events
Fix SSHD events are not purged
Add possibility to deny Artica to build the load-balancing configuration.
Add possibility to enable/disable the Load-balancing service trough Artica web Front-end
Add new Proxy watchdog on commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 13 to x.x.x.x (99) Cannot assign requested address error
Re-design the cyrus mailboxes backup section (create a dedicated section )
Fix calendar is displayed in French in Proxy statistics.
Fix youtube_all table is not generated.
Add progress bars for Proxy categories databases.
Add possibility to manually backup proxy statistics database.
Add possibility to change the MySQL storage data path for proxy statistics database.
Add watchdog for TCP connection to x/x failed when using parent proxy.
Add watchdog for Detected DEAD Parent: Peerx when using parent proxy.
Fix Artica web console is unable to display parent proxy status.
Fix Artica try to rotate proxy logs file without calculate the time frequency ( checks only the size)
Fix unable to save Watchdog "external page to check" parameter.
Add possibility to schedule dynamic caches rules generation.
Remove operation to reload proxy when missing directory or file in caches.
Fix unable to set an uri in reverse proxy source settings.
fix unable to display mail events trough artica Web interface
July Monday 14 13:06:02
1.8.060201 1.8.061522 1.8.060201_1.8.061522-18061522.tgz 8.1 MB
Code cleaning
Add AllowGroups SSHD support
Improve design for milter-greylist section.
Fix Artica did not download GeoIP databases.
Add new watchdog for CRON service.
Change chmod mode in OpenDKIM paths.
Re-design fetchmail rule form.
Add a new feature that allow to play with UserAgents in order to fix NTLM issues.
Fix error typo on Cyrus imap when using ipurge
Add a function that able to clean wrong timestamp pid stored in root directory
Fix Artica cannot detect if Webfiltering watchdog daemon (ufdb-tail) is running.
Add possibility to import websites from a list in reverse proxy section.
Fix invalid number of arguments in "proxy_temp_file_write_size" on reverse proxy
fix Call to undefined function StatusSamba() in admin.index.right-image.php
Remove notification: exec.ufdbguard-tail, watchdog die PID xxx
Fix Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/mod_php5.conf in Apache
Fix issue on Apache 00-default when based installation is a symbolic link.
Add a new function in charge of cleaning MySQL BAK files ( if files exceed 380Mn TTL)
Add possibility to manage black/whitelist of each user.
Add a new support of iredapd as a Black/whitelist policy Daemon for postfix.
Add a new feature that allows to parse Sent Items and Junk items in order to fill automatically Black/whitelists.
If proxy claim about non-existent file in cache, Artica will no longer try to rebuild caches. (DiskThreadsDiskFile)
Remove notification: artica-make as been ordered with option...
Add a watchdog that ensure an Artica process kill correcly desired tasks ( see /var/log/killed-proc.log)
Add possibility to store Zarafa backup containers trough FTP.
Fix Artica did not add broadcast settings in Interfaces networks parameters
Redesign the Cyrus Mailbox section.
Add possibility to enable and set the cyrus LMTP port.
Forward all functions that are in charge of filling the cyrus.conf to the init.d script.
By default, the Postfix will use for LMTP service.
When building cyrus settings, Postfix was refreshed and the LMTP settings is flushed/set
Fix Error Table 'artica_backup.activedirectory_groupsNames' doesn't exists
Fix Memory graph by minute is not correctly generated.
fix error Undefined index: t in /usr/share/artica-postfix/squid.ports.php on line 230
Fix postfix error warning: connect #1 to subsystem public/cleanup: Connection refused
Fix Unable to save Active Directory information since last release.
Add a new feature in order to check an URI without the proxy service.
Fix unable to display Active Directory settings
Fix error when patching Artica that did not detect correcly the current branch.
Fix sometimes unable to delete a Webserver trough FreeWeb.
Fix unable to backup Zarafa database when using the dedicated MySQL instance.
Add watchdog on OpenDKIM errors socket cleanup failed: Permission denied OpenDKIM Filter: Unable to create listening socket on conn ../opendkim.sock
Fix global whitelist was not correctly defined in the proxy configuration.
Adding function that verify if the Active Directory servername is the same of the proxy servername.
Fix DNS did not add added specified hosts in Artica configuration.
Fix misconfiguration in source routing rules.
July Monday 14 13:06:03
1.8.052700 1.8.060201 1.8.052700_1.8.060201-18060201.tgz 8.2 MB
Add latest patch information in the Artica update section
add a verification for the Current Artica Branch when patching Artica,
Remove entirely OpenDNS settings in Proxy configuration file
Disabling Auto-patchs in Artica.
Reduce the process number of exec.squid.stats.totals.php ( crash server with memory full issue )
Adding Proxy monitoring error: FATAL: Received Bus Error...dying
Add more Artica settings in order to control Artica Watchdog services operations when when fetching proxy informations.
Stopping proxy now follow shutdown_lifetime parameter in order to not corrupt caches and let proxy clean it's threads.
Ban IP addresses when adding a website in whitelist domain action.
Fix sometimes the Artica web console is not able to display Web filtering service events.
Fix sometimes the Artica web console is not able to display Web filtering configuration data.
Add Macro that allow Google Websites in all cases.
Add a Macro in ACLs for teamviewer in both proxy and firewall.
Add possibility to enable Source routing in interface network settings.
Add possibility to generate languages from Zarafa settings.
Add possibility to set all Interfaces for Zarafa MAPI
Fix unable to save MAPI listen address.
Creating/Updating a Zarafa mailbox will not automatically convert mailbox language, a button is now added.
If no DNS are set in proxy configuration, Artica will add them automatically from the system DNS.
Add possibility to deal with x-forwarded-for when dealing with Proxy Parents.
Fix sometimes statistics are not generated.
Fix unable to save gateway on DHCP parameters.
Sometimes nmap scan task keep 100% CPU for a long time. Adding a function that kill a nmap scan after 60mn max.
Add possibility to remove caching content in reverse proxy settings.
Add possibility to purge reverse proxy caches from the Web Interface and for init.d script.
Fix templates are corrupted when using accents.
July Monday 14 13:06:02
1.8.051716 1.8.052700 1.8.051716_1.8.052700-18052700.tgz 3.1 MB